![]() FLOWING | ![]() FLOWING |
![]() FLOWING | ![]() FLOWING |
![]() FLOWING | ![]() FLOWING |
There’s a small river running close by my resident. Although a revetment work is done to the bank but birds rest and people gather for relaxation. I reflect the memory of the rural town of my late grandmother where I used to live in my childhood to the river. It was one afternoon in summer, as I watched the refection of a wavering shadow on the river surface, I was stunned from hearing a sudden sound of streaming water. The experience is part of my formative experience. Ever since then, I’ve been trying to understand what my reaction of the moment was. I was too young to describe them in words at that time but looking back today, it be attributed to a burst of multiple emotions, despite living a happy life with my grandmother and many cousins: a frustration coming from powerlessness to show my will, amazement for being fondled by series of coincidence and solitude from having to live away from my mother. I represented the flow of a river to life and revived the sound of streaming water from my memory.
現在住んでいる住居の近くには、小さな川が流れている。既に護岸工事が施されて入るが、それでも鳥は羽を休め、人々は憩いを求めて集まってくる。その川に、私が幼い頃をすごした、今は亡き祖母の住む田舎町の記憶が重なる。川面の影の揺らめきを眺めて過ごした夏の午後、川音に思わず耳を澄ませた体験は、私の一つの原体験ということができるだろう。そのときに感じたものは何だったのか? 言葉で表現することができない年齢ではあったが、日々は祖母や大勢のいとこたちとの生活の喜びに満ちていながら、自分では意の通りにはできない無力感、そして重なる偶然に流されることの不思議さ、母と離れてすごす寂しさなど、相反する複雑な感情の芽生えの象徴でもあったようにいまは思える。その川を人生の流れに見立てて、記憶の中の水音を蘇らせた。
This print is processed using the by silver halide developing method from a silver halide photography.